Create A Minimalist Night Time Skincare Routine with Only Three Products

Our lives are full. We’re all spinning plates, constantly juggling and trying our best to tick everything off our to-do list, whilst making sure that we’re not missing out on new or exciting experiences too. Modern life is a bit of a minefield even at the best of times, and at KOHA Beauty, we don’t think that your skincare regime needs to be. 

We strive for minimalism wherever we can at KOHA Beauty; from minimal packaging to minimal ingredients, we believe that less is more when it comes to your skincare. So, this week, we ask you to take a leaf from our book and try stripping back your skincare routine to something minimalistic but still incredibly effective. It’s certainly one less thing you’ll have to think about…When you switch up your skincare routine to a minimalistic one, you’re stripping back all the unnecessary elements, and reducing the time it takes to complete at the same time. It might feel lovely and luxurious to apply a ten-step skincare routine, of course, and we’d never tell you to stop doing something luxurious if you love it – life is for enjoying!

But, we can all admit that some nights, you might just be too tired to go through the whole rigmarole, or some days, your skin can just feel overwhelmed by the amount of chemicals and ingredients applied to it. So, on these days, we advise you to take it right back to basics and opt for a minimalist skincare routine, for happy skin and a happy mind too.

It couldn’t be simpler. Even with a full face of makeup, you only need one item to fully cleanse and exfoliate the skin and leave it squeaky-clean and ready for the next steps in our quick and easy skincare routine. 

That one item? A simple KOHA Beauty konjac sponge, of course.

Simply fill your sink with warm water and place your konjac sponge in the water for up to two minutes, to allow it to absorb the water, soften and puff up ready for use. Then, squeeze out the excess water and simply buff the skin, to effectively remove the day’s makeup, grease and grime. Rinse the sponge between buffs, and after your first cleanse, empty the sink and refill it with fresh water. Repeat the process until you have beautifully clean and fresh skin – it’s really as easy as that.

Once your face is clean and dry (pat dry gently with a towel, never rub!) it’s time for the next very simple step in our minimalist skincare routine. Toners, acids and essences are all very well for those drawn-out skincare nights, but if you’re going for the minimalistic approach, we recommend a few spritzes of a natural facial mist – we love Evolve's Daily Defence Moisture Mist which uses organic Mexican cactus elixir which helps calms irritated skin whilst firming and increasing skin hydration. Simply spray all over the face in a clockwork motion and leave to settle into the skin.

The final step? Bring some hydration back to the skin, with a luxurious, natural facial oil. Pai's beautiful, fiery orange Rosehip Bioregenerate face oil is all natural and vegan-friendly, using rosehip oil along with rosemary extract and Vitamin E to hydrate, nourish and rebalance the skin. Simply squeeze a few drops into the palm of your hands and press into the skin, applying in a sweeping motion and applying light pressure to really push the ingredients into the skin.

And there you have it – a simple, three step routine that takes mere moments to complete and leaves you ready for bedtime with fresh, clean and radiant skin. Have we converted you to minimalism yet?

Head on over to our shop to find all the info we have on these wondrous multitasking sponges.


KOHA Beauty

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